Perut Ikan means fish stomach.. people those days eat every part of anything.. nothing is gone to waste or thrown away.. Everytime, a fish is cleaned, if its stomach is big enough, it will be preserved. The process of preserving the fish stomach is tedious and long to ensure it does not get contaminated or rot... so, again, it's all about skill.... There is no measurement for people then... they perfect their skills by observing.. It is an art!!
To cook this, a lot of work... and it will take a few ladies sitting around the kitchen to make it happen.. hahahhaa.. some will be peeling and pounding, some will be slicing, some will be washing and frying... ooo.. you cannot imagine the work.. but the end result is always a big pot of treasure!! Lovely treasure that will get better as the days goes by..
This is not something I will sell.. no amount of money is worth the effort and patience. But I am lucky to have learnt and watched how this dish is made... long time ago by my aunt's mom and now my aunt... and hopefully one day I will make it and someone will learn... passing on the skill, knowledge and art of making something so great....
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