Dumplings... my earliest memory of dumpling is my mama sitting on a low stool infront of many pots of ingredients. She will very artfully scoop each of these ingredients into what looks like a cup made of a big leaf in her other hand and I, being easily amused, would squat next to her and watch her turn the cup around and viola! into a triangle. Of course, I was like a puppy tagging behind my mama throughout the whole process, watch these bunch of triangles lowered into a big hot pot of steaming water.. sit there and wait for it to be ready and when it was finally, my mama will scoop up these bunches of triangles and I will be waiting like a naughty cat by the side... Hehehehe.. yes, this is another one of my favorite food.
Traditionally, the filling will have pork but since I dont consume pork, I was motivated to make these favorites myself and improvised using chicken. Frankly, I think it is just as good if not healthier. In my dumplings, I have ingredients like chestnuts, mung beans, thick succulent mushrooms, dried prawns and of course, the marinated full of flavored chicken. The tedious part of this dumpling making is not the wrapping of the dumpling or the boiling but the preparation.. so much work goes into deveining the chestnuts, preparing the marinate for the chicken and everything has to be pre-cooked before wrapping. And that! is a lot of work!
Yes, my favorite dumplings are for sale at RM5.50 each with a minimum order of 5 dumplings.
Watch out for the next series of dumplings... nyonya is one of the "next in line"...
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