I remember when I first learn how to make this cake... I had to go thru so many rounds of despair and tears.. yes, literally tears..... The ingredients are expensive and the initial 10 times were failures!! Oh yes, I did try the sneaky thing..substitute the expensive butter with the normal butter you get from the supermarket and the result was "I could have kicked myself!" Fail wasnt even close... Anyway, each time I fail, my aunt who is my teacher, will tell me this..."Never mind la.. feed it to the stray dogs.. try again." Hahahahahaha.... So, imagine me wasting expensive ingredients and sitting infront of a hot oven practising and practising and practising.. learning how to get the texture right, the layers right.. Boy! those were the days....

Anyway, when I finally got this cake right.. the right texture.. the right oiliness, the right layers, I was so happy! I kept a portion of that 1st successful cake in the freezer for a very long time. Hey! it took me a lot to get it right ok.. I just wanna have something to remind me of my hard work. Hahahaha... You might asked why is it so hard for me to get it right.. the answer is that I didnt want to use any enhancer or stabilizers to keep the egg batter fluffy. I want it to be traditional because my daughter loves to eat this cake and I didnt want her to eat all these chemicals. God knows what side effects these chemicals might have or if such chemicals will manifest into something nasty in years to come. I am a firm believer of no enhancer! No point eating something that is chemically enhanced. It is not a real deal.
So, since I have mastered this cake, I have been making them ocassionally. The reason being is it's time consuming and patience is an important ingredient in making this cake, both which I sorely lack nowadays with my Foodelicious! growing steadily. Of course, the other reason is that the ingredients needed to make this cake have gone up so many folds! Yes, expensive doesnt come close to describing the exorbitant increase! Hence, I only make this cake when there is a bulk request and customers are willing to pay.
Yes, the selling price for these "treasures" are RM85 for a 6"x6" and RM140 for a 9"x9" size. Yes, only 2 sizes and I need at least 4 days notice to get it done.
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