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Cuppies - Thomas The Train...

Nigel's favorite!! Every year no matter how much persuasion or distraction his mama tries to distract him away from Thomas The Train, Nigel will stay faithful and dutifully call me and tell that he would like to have a Thomas The Train cake. I admire his faithfulness!! Hahahahaha...

Anyway, this year, Nigel is 6 years old and he has grown.. he is able to tell me what he really ones. He said that he wanted each cupcake to have a Thomas The Train and he said.."not flat on the cake but a real one on top" There.. has Nigel grown up or what??

Each of this 49 cupcakes have a Thomas The Train just like how Nigel wanted them to be.. there is Percy and other TTT characters and when Nigel came to pick up his cake, he squeal with so much happiness that it's infectious! Hahahahahaha.. the happiness of a child never fail to shake me up to realise that life is beautiful. And the next day, Nigel had a great time in school celebrating his birthday and his mama said the other mamas were ooooo-ing and aaahhh-ing at the the toppers! HEH! HEH! HEH!

These were sold for RM7.50 each as there are a lot of work involved in shaping each TTT in 3D. A minimum order of 16 is required.

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