Lalalalalaa..... lalallaa... life is good!! Heh! heh! heh!... since Christmas season ended, I have been having a good time taking things easy and working on new things at my leisure pace... Life is good... Have a look at some of these yummies I have created for my clients...
This is lychee & rose water cream.. Lychee macaroons are simply addictive and a sell out! Partly because lychee blends well with almonds and so does rose water. Partly because lychee is always some yummy to have no matter what mood you may be.
Lychee & Rose water cream...
Peaches & Cream.. this reminds me of my time! Wahahahahaha.. I love the color and flavor... peaches is something that goes very well with cinnamon and for this, a very light hint of cinnamon has been added and it simply open a new whole dimension to peaches...
As for the cream, I used cream cheese and it is simply yumms when combine with peaches lightly flavored with cinnamon is out of these world!
As for the cream, I used cream cheese and it is simply yumms when combine with peaches lightly flavored with cinnamon is out of these world!

Strawberry & Cream...
Life is definitely good with my cream range of macaroons.... Life cannot get any better.. Woo Hoo!!
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