Pancakes!!! Yes, these are fun food... Plenty of fun making them and most definitely, plenty of fun gobbling them up! Hehehehe.. I find pancakes are the most versatile little morsel. You can just have pancakes on its own with butter and syrup, or in my case, blueberry syrup! (slurp!! the best ever) or You can make so many things with pancakes... if you have them small and bite size, it can be made into super delish canapes or hor d'oeuvres. If you have them spread out thinly, you can make wraps and even millie crepe with it. You can have sweet with juicy fruits and cream or custard or if you like it savory, you can them with all your favorite savory items. I love pancakes! Do you??

Bread, Foccasia bread is wickedly yummy. I love the texture of this bread. Very light but not mushy like the normal bread we have. There is a certain bite to the texture and that's what makes it so addictive. I love this as it is.. there is no need to spread anything or have anything with this bread. Just the way it's. If you were to buy this at the shop, it's always either herb and garlic or olives and rosemary.. but if you make this yourself, you can have endless options! I sometimes make this with local herbs since my garden has all sorts of herbs... and the result is awesome!

This batch of jellies I must say is indulgence! Indulgence in whipping up a batch of jellies just for fun to eat especially when I have friends over for movie marathon, Indulgence in buying whatever I like especially cute and unique stuff like these sets of jelly moulds. I just cannot resist!! I am not a spendthrift and most of the time will have to think many many many times when I make a purchase on things like branded goods.. (a bad habit that came about from being poor) but when it comes to things like this, baking stuff, I will not hesitate! Hahahahaha.. these set of moulds are not cheap.. but I bought them anyway... and look what I made out of them??
I think these jellies are just so pretty!! I was rather torn between making these jellies into rainbow layers like I always do or do what I did.. mosaic style. At the end, I chose the mosaic style as I was rather bored and wanted to have some fun. I was glad I did!! Hehehehe.. the mosaic style is just perfect for these moulds and the bees and bugs look so pretty.. woo hooo... By the way, these cuties are for sale... call to find out more!!
I think these jellies are just so pretty!! I was rather torn between making these jellies into rainbow layers like I always do or do what I did.. mosaic style. At the end, I chose the mosaic style as I was rather bored and wanted to have some fun. I was glad I did!! Hehehehe.. the mosaic style is just perfect for these moulds and the bees and bugs look so pretty.. woo hooo... By the way, these cuties are for sale... call to find out more!!
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