This is what I served for my latest party.. Nasi Lemak party!!
I believe that one has to get the coconut rice right to qualify for a good Nasi Lemak. The coconut rice mustnt be too soft or soggy or wet.. it has to be just the right bite with just enough coconut santan.. not too rich neither should it be too light.
The condiments that comes with Nasi Lemak is juicy and crunchy slices of cucumber, nicely roasted peanuts, freshly fried ikan bilis, half a hard boiled egg, a little bit of serunding...
As for the main star... well, to me it is the sambal.. This main star has to be a balance of spiciness with some hint of asam jawa, sugar and the saltiness. Whenever I make this, I like it to be a sweet and tangy for a start as I know as the days goes by, the saltiness from the ikan bilis will find its way into the gravy and enhance its flavor..so, the sweetness and tanginess must be in a right balance when that happens.
I had this dilemma as to what I should cook to accompany my sambal.. should it be a rendang chicken or a curry chicken or a curry kapitan chicken. At the end, I chose Curry Kapitan chicken. I made this using all the usual blended ingredients for curry chicken. The difference is this curry is not that red and some kafir lime leaves with a dash of lime. The lime makes all the difference.. making this dish very pleasing and less oily.
Anyway, I had a superb time with my friends during this party. It was gracious of them to come and enjoy my cooking and creation..(hehehe... the drinks was simply smashing!) Nothing beats good friends as company to enjoy some good laughter and cheers! Thank you my old schoolmates for making my nasi lemak party a smashing success!
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