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Glorious Gold - Pumpkin & Cranberry Cake

Lalalalala... this cake is super!! Really super!

I have this habit of surfing the net for new ideas and inspiration but not all the time, I will have the inspiration to try out these new ideas instantly. Yes, I am a bit of a "do only when I feel like it" type of girl.. the type that knows at the back of my mind that I need to get my ass to doing it but wont do it until one fine day, when the mood suits me, I will just get my ass to go do it! Ya, that is not very good..and I am working on it. Be patient.. Hahahaha!

Anyway, back to this cake.. where was I.. ooh.. haven't started about it.. so, as I was saying, surfing the net for new ideas and inspiration, yes, have been collecting all sorts of recipes from the net, some look dubious but nevertheless, interesting enough to capture my attention.. hence, I print them out and chuck them into my TO DO WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT folder.. so, this cake was one of them and yesterday, being a bit free and in the mood to whip up a cake, I decided to browse into my magic folder and came across this very torn and tattered looking paper that says Pumpkin, carrot cranberry cake with a purple ink remark saying "Wow! dont know will die eating this or not" So, feeling very funky and challenged, got all the ingredients ready, yes, including grating the pumpkin which I had in my fridge... and whip up this cake without much hope that it will turn out good.. Afterall, the ingredients proportion was a bit funky....

So, into the oven the tray of batter went and off I went to amuse myself with my new toy... half way thru, I smelt the cake and thought what a glorious smell... aaaaaaaaaahhhh!! so nice! and went to check on my cake.. was pretty pleased with the progress and since everything looks happening, I allow myself a little bit more hope... Hmm.. perhaps the cake will turn out good..

And when the cake was done.. all thrown out and cooled.. with great anticipation, I cut the cake and was very impressed with the texture.. very spongy but not dry.. very moist and flavorful! The first bite confirms it.. it is a love at first bite cake! Woo Hoo... didnt die eating it.. What a success!!

So, if you are thinking whether I will be making this cake again, it is a resounding YES!! AGAIN! when I get my hands on some delicious Japaneses pumpkin and perhaps the next round, I will add in a bit of nutmeg to compliment the pumpkin and carrot and almonds?

Yup.. once this is perfected, it will hit town.....

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Juliana said...

My children never like pumpkin. So i did not tell them the ingredients of that cake. They enjoyed eating and commented very nice. Only than i told them is pumpkin cake. Hahaha....surprise!

Food so delicious! said...


Hahahahaha!! You are a trickster!(My monster's term when I trick her into eating or doing anything)Ya, that is a good way to get them to eat and taste a variety of food.

Pumpkin is a very yummy thing.. I wonder why they dont like it.. Hmm..