Yes, I ate and ate while I was in London and Scotland. The funny thing about traveling is that you dont pile on the weight.. Woo hoo... Basically, there were plenty of walking and it was no hassle or discomfort at all. The weather simply makes it great to walk. I could walk from Covent Garden to Leicester Square to Piccadilly to Trafalgar Square. So much beauty to see and explore that you wont feel the distance.. hehehehe.. with cool dry air and great window display or scenes along the way, would I grumble about walking? Hehehe..
Anyway, I had a great time eating all sorts of food in London.. I tried their cakes, cupcakes, scones, pastries, tarts, kebabs.. ooo.. they were all delicious! Yummms! The thing I noticed about their cakes is that they are not like those here.. the cakes in London has substance! The cakes are firm, may it be a loaf cake, butter cake or sponge cake.. it is nothing like ours here which are so laden with chemical that render the cake soft and cottony.. Every bite of their cakes, you could actually feel the texture of the cake in your mouth. It's how I remember cake to be.. those that I used to eat when I was young..
Cakes in London are also full of flavor.. there is no such nonsense as less sugar, less sweet there.. If you want to eat cake, you eat it full flavor!! Yeah... this is something I cannot comprehend about people here.. What is this nonsense about wanting to eat cake but dont like it sweet. What is cake if it is not sweet?? Flour, butter or egg tastes?? Yes, the people in London understood that cakes are not to be eaten everyday, everytime or as meals.. cakes are meant to be treats.. meant to be eaten sparingly.. meant to be eaten as luxury.. and as such, it is ok to have it full flavor as it should be. Yes! that's the word... as it should be!! Cakes should have a bite to it, cakes should be sweet with a lovely aroma to it no matter how plain it's.. A simple Victorian sandwich can give the same level of satisfaction as a funky sounding named cake.. Cakes should give one a happy fulfilling feel after a slice.. Cakes are not meant to taste or have a cottony texture.. Cakes are not meant to be tasteless.. not sweet and artificially flavored.. cake are most definitely not meant to be eaten and eaten and eaten and yet dont give that satisfied and happy feel... People should seriously seriously learn how to eat properly!!
Cakes in London are also full of flavor.. there is no such nonsense as less sugar, less sweet there.. If you want to eat cake, you eat it full flavor!! Yeah... this is something I cannot comprehend about people here.. What is this nonsense about wanting to eat cake but dont like it sweet. What is cake if it is not sweet?? Flour, butter or egg tastes?? Yes, the people in London understood that cakes are not to be eaten everyday, everytime or as meals.. cakes are meant to be treats.. meant to be eaten sparingly.. meant to be eaten as luxury.. and as such, it is ok to have it full flavor as it should be. Yes! that's the word... as it should be!! Cakes should have a bite to it, cakes should be sweet with a lovely aroma to it no matter how plain it's.. A simple Victorian sandwich can give the same level of satisfaction as a funky sounding named cake.. Cakes should give one a happy fulfilling feel after a slice.. Cakes are not meant to taste or have a cottony texture.. Cakes are not meant to be tasteless.. not sweet and artificially flavored.. cake are most definitely not meant to be eaten and eaten and eaten and yet dont give that satisfied and happy feel... People should seriously seriously learn how to eat properly!!
Anyway, besides cakes and their lovely sandwiches, I had scones! Scones in London are super delicious.. it is very fluffy and rich in flavor.. the milk and freshly milled flour flavor combined with the freshest clotted cream and super delicious preserves simply make them yummy. What else, the ice cream that I had at Fortnum & Mason was to die for.. funky flavors such as strawberries with 12 years old balsamic vinegar, Bellini Classico, Stem Ginger with Borage Honey.. are some of the flavors I had and it is worth every single calorie had..
The Belgian Waffles were another must have! The best I have tasted was still the one at Covent Garden. The first time I had that was 7 years ago on a cold winter day and from that day onwards, I had always been on a look out for good Belgian waffles.. unfortunately, never could find any that came close to it here in Malaysia. So, for 7 good old years, I crave and miss that Belgian Waffles in Covent Garden.. So, naturally, I had to have it when I got to Covent Garden for the first time on a sunny but cold sunday afternoon... it was love at first sight all over again! Hahahaha.. of course, a long the way thru out my stay in London, I tried those sold along Oxford Street, markets or cafes and patisseries and although they are good... but it wasnt the same like that one at Covent Garden. That one is crispy but soft inside.. and when you bite it, its a mouthful of texture and the flavor is simply divine..sweet and comforting with a very fragrant caramel flavor..Aaaahhh.. life cannot get any better than being in Covent Garden..
The Belgian Waffles were another must have! The best I have tasted was still the one at Covent Garden. The first time I had that was 7 years ago on a cold winter day and from that day onwards, I had always been on a look out for good Belgian waffles.. unfortunately, never could find any that came close to it here in Malaysia. So, for 7 good old years, I crave and miss that Belgian Waffles in Covent Garden.. So, naturally, I had to have it when I got to Covent Garden for the first time on a sunny but cold sunday afternoon... it was love at first sight all over again! Hahahaha.. of course, a long the way thru out my stay in London, I tried those sold along Oxford Street, markets or cafes and patisseries and although they are good... but it wasnt the same like that one at Covent Garden. That one is crispy but soft inside.. and when you bite it, its a mouthful of texture and the flavor is simply divine..sweet and comforting with a very fragrant caramel flavor..Aaaahhh.. life cannot get any better than being in Covent Garden..

The thing I experience in London is that I know I am on the right track with my cakes... No chemicals, no soft and cottony texture that end up being mushy in the mouth, not tasteless, less sugar, less sweet cakes. If must be, my cakes should be what cakes should be.. Sweet to give the happy feel.. full of texture and flavor so you will never have to wonder what was it that you have just eaten.. full of taste that will leave a good and satisfying impression....
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Wooo..I envy you travelling and eating your heart out there! You are right about eating a real cake that have real substance, not articifial things inside it, just like my Mom used to make! But too bad when travelling overseas I cant just eat anything I fancy like you...have to find only Halal Muslim food!
Hi p3Chandan!
Congratulations for having a new cucu.. post picture of the adorable baby ya!
Ya, I noticed that it is not easy for Muslims to eat in europe. As I dont take pork, it was also quite a challenge to make sure the food we take doesnt have pork.
Yes, the cakes there are what mama used to make. Their ingredients are also so fresh and rich.. hence, the cakes are so yummy..
i agree about the heavier cakes in western countries. asians like their cakes super soft, which is fine for chiffon cakes n so on but tea cakes n others should be more substantial n rustic. however, i have trained my tongue to detect overly sweet food and i utterly dislike high sugar food. i find western cakes too sweet so i need a good cup of coffee to clear my palate. btw, may i recommend the book 'sweet poison'--read it n you'll be enlightened to how we've been poisoned by an ingredient that does no good for our bodies except make us addicted to it, like dadah. also, asians are genetically more predisposed to diabetes and so need to be careful about sugar, unlike caucasians who can eat sweet desserts after dinner everyday. my one cent:) and oh, what a wonderful time you had. wish i could be there this year again:)
Yes, this year was a bit colder.. Spring this year started out warm and nice but turned chilly and very windy.. but nevertheless, I enjoy it! Hehehe. I dont like hot weather especially hot and humid.. makes me sleepy and crouchy..
Yes, that's why I always recommend my clients to eat sparingly. For me, I always asked my clients how many people do they intend to serve with the cake.. I dont believe in recommending more just because I am selling cakes. Cakes are treats.. meant to be eaten sparingly and for very special occasions. I believe is the mindset of Asians.. if they like something, they will eat it endlessly. That's not the way to go about with desserts.
From your comments is so tempting to pack and fly there now. Is so mouth watering to see the photos of food.
It is!! The best part is that the food are not that expensive in London and the quality is much better than what we can get here. Even the milk is so much better!! Hence, all their diary products are super yumms!
Actually, there are more food stuff that I had when I was in London and Edinburgh but since I was too greedy, I golojoh them without a tought of taking pictures until I am done! Hahaha.. can't be taking pictures of the crumbs right?? Hehehe..
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