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I see GREEN!!... Wicked Lime Curd

Did I say that this bag of lime that was sitting on my kitchen top snickered at me?? Hehehe.. I must be going bonkers! Anyway, have always wanted to make Lime curd.. I always make lemon curd but never really got my ass up to make lime curd... sigh.. lazy masy la.. what else! Anyway, since the lime sitting on my kitchen top was snickering at me.. daring me to bash and whack them up, I took on the challenge!! Heh! heh! heh!... and made something easy.. The hard part was to whack, bash and squeeze these limes.... Hard buggers.. so hard to draw out their juice..

So, with some egg yolks, a cup of sugar, lots of lime juice, freshly squeeze mind you!, a big tablespoon of lime zest and a generous dollop or two of rich butter and some slaving on the stove later on, I have this really really awesome wicked lime curd.

It's smooth and velvety, giving a luxurious feel that contrast sharply with the full flavor and aroma of lime that is tangy and zesty! And a right balance of sweetness simply completes the whole wicked taste.. making it addictive..igniting a love hate, storm and calm, sharp and mellow feel in you.

This is really good with toast.. with pastry.. with cheesecake.. with cakes.. with macaroons.. oh god!! it is good on its own!! what am I talking about.... Aaaaaaahhh... I am a creator of wicked things! Wahahahahahahaa!!!

Look out for this in my upcoming creations... heh! heh! heh!....wickness is life's little pleasure...

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Juliana said...

Got extra to sample? I don't think i have eaten macaroon before.

Juliana said...

Yeh! Finally solve the problem! Am able to publish my comment.

Food so delicious! said...

Hahahahahaa!!! Well done Ju!!

Got some lime macaroons to sample.. tomorrow you pick up from my aunt's kindie la

p3chandan said...

Never tasted lime curd before, is it like a fruit jam? Must be very nice with those tangy sweet lime tste!

Food so delicious! said...

p3chandan.. yes, it is kaya consistency.. smooth and velvety.. and I like it to be tangy and sweet.. you know, that sharp sour taste that wakes you up instantly and the next instant, the sweet and pacifying taste that makes you wanna repeat the whole torture and pleasure act all over again...

Juliana said...

O Yes! Macaroon here I come!