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Sunday Storm...

The weather has gone wonky lately.... The mornings are bright and sunny with lunch time blazing hot with heat to kill and as the hands on the clock move to afternoon, the sun blaze hotter and brighter, with all its might! And suddenly in all its brightness, you will hear this rumbling.... and before you know it, the blazing hot and bright sun suddenly give way and within a few minutes, the whole place will turn dark with the rumbling grows louder and strong wind whipping up everything...... and before you say anything.. the storm make its appearance in style!

You will never have thought that the bright, sunny and hot morning, with laundry drying up within half hour will end with torrential rain and wind that blow everything away. The picture above captured the strength of the storm than blew my way.. "rocking" my banana trees terribly! Even shutting the windows dont help as the rain pelted the windows with its strong and big droplets.. as for the lightning, it can be so violent that it once blew up some wire in the substation and I had no electricity for a good 4 hours! Oh! what a storm.. Oh!! I like! Hehehe.. I am a storm lover.. I love the power of such storm.. I love the ability of the storm to cool down the temperature drastically within minutes.. I love the coolness and a sense of cleanliness once the storm is gone.. The calmness after the storm is also very seducing.. hehehe...

I captured the above picture while having a hot cup of tea after a tedious and tiring but satisfying weekend of catering....as I sipped my tea and enjoy the whole works of the storm, it suddenly dawn upon me as to what the storm reminds me of...it reminded me of my temper.. hahahaha..... oh well, it will take a lot to work that kind of "storm" in me.. and yes, when the storm in me is worked up, it will put the above to shame.. Heh! heh! heh!

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