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Happy Halloween!!

Woooo.... I have always wanted to make halloween a big thing and this year, I did it! Hehehe.. gather a few friends, made some simple food, carve 2 pumpkins, bought some Halloween deco and celebrate we did!!

I made simple grilled Peri Peri chicken, whip up some coleslaw and roasted some very sweet pumpkin and spice it up with some salt and nutmeg.. yummms...delish! Oh! and I had my pumpkin tong sui for dessert too. Hehehe.. something western, something eastern! I suppose it's not about the food.. but the company. My monster had her friends over and they switch off all the lights and watch spooky movies.. all huddled together staring at the TV screen with such concentration! Hahahahahhaa... the things young people do..

Oh.. yes, my carved pumpkin.. oh.. I got the inspiration from my friend, craftyady.blogspot.com but of course, I am not so talented like her.. hence, mine is so much more simple. And even that, it took me a long time. Hahahaha.. the pumpkins here have very very hard skin and the flesh is really thick.. so, I had a tough time cutting thru them.. but nevertheless, I made it! Hehehe... and I like the effect once the candle is lighted.. it gives a very warm glow and festive feel! woo hooo... I wish I had more time and talent to come up with lots of spiders, witches, bats or what have you.. hmm... maybe next year eh.

Oh.. with halloween here, it reminds me that the year is fast drawing to a close. Another has zoom past so fast.. and for the last 10 months, I had fantastic time traveling, creating new yummilicious food, faced and conquered quite a few challenges, love and lost.. The year is now left with my 2 most favorite months.. hehehe... and soon, Xmas range will appear.. I am now experimenting them, once they are perfect, I will roll them out. Hehehehe.. I do hope, by December comes, I will have all the lose ends tied and ready for a new year! It will be a great year rolling in! Yay!

Happy Halloween everyone! It's not about western values or eastern thinking.. it's about appreciating the significance of each festive and enjoying it with the people that matters most to you.

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