My first contact with anything Irish was in school. I had an Irish nun as my headmistress! Hahaha.. and yes, she was everything Irish.. including temper! Oh! you should hear her nag and lecture... those long hours of standing during assembly while she nags away was a good lesson never ever to do that is not right in her books or otherwise! Hahahaha.. but all in good faith.. we turned out pretty good I must say and you sure dont get such dedication anymore.. teachers, headmistress or parents..
My second contact with anything Irish was... Bailey's! Hahahaha.. Didnt know what was it and just gulp it down and lo' behold! I liked it.. From that day onwards, there is always a bottle of Bailey's in my house.. either in the fridge or in my secret cabinet. Heh! heh! heh!.. Anyway, enough of my secret.. I have always wanted to do this Bailey's cheesecake but because of my ever expanding waist line, I had to resist temptation until now.. I tricked a few people to have a party and I volunteered to bring this! Hahahahaa.. brilliant or what?
So, with gusto, I made this.. but the recipe requires a miserable 75ml.. and me being me, (what is 75ml of Bailey's?? Where is the fireworks man!) top it up to 250ml!! Hahahaha.. Yes, I do know that alcohol do alter the way how cakes get set or cook or whatever, I had to revise the recipe and pray that it doesnt fail me. Hahahahaa.. and when I unmoulded the cheesecake.. viola! I was impressed that the cheesecake looked beautiful. The next test was that I had to keep the cheesecake out of the fridge for long while and was doubtful if it will maintain the firmness.. ooo.. was I again impressed!! It did!!
And when the cake was cut up and distributed.... I spied a few "forever on diet" friends taking a piece.. than another.. than another.. and even Miss fussy pot had 2 helpings! I was over the moon! Woo Hooo....... the magic must be the extra Bailey's.
This cake is up for sale! Hic! at RM160 and I have got 5 takers already! Woo hoooo!!!
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Highly recommendation cheese cake!
Thank God she pour out 250ml Bailey. to get a good "kick"!
Good! Very good. The base is just right.. not too thick or thin..not sweet and the combination of choc and alcohol give it a twist! well done!!
I ate almost half of it.....
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